Industry-Leading Mesh Coil Technology!

Often Imitated, Never Duplicated
Since Freemax released the World's First Single Mesh Coil Sub Ohm Tank in 2017, the industry-leading
FM COILTECH has upgraded from FMCOILTECH1.0 to FM COILTECH5.0/Double-D Mesh, which is the
fifth generation and the ultimate version of mesh coil technology, born to boost sub ohm vaping with
unrivaled flavors and dense clouds.
FM COILTECH has upgraded from FMCOILTECH1.0 to FM COILTECH5.0/Double-D Mesh, which is the
fifth generation and the ultimate version of mesh coil technology, born to boost sub ohm vaping with
unrivaled flavors and dense clouds.

The Ultimate Mesh Coil Technology from Freemax!
● 50% Improvement on the Flavors and Heating Speed
● Innovative Parallel Mesh Structure
● Military-grade SS904L Mesh
● Newly Upgraded Tea Fiber Cotton Formula
FL1-D Mesh Coil 0.15 ohm

Double-D Mesh
Double-D Mesh

Why FM COILTECH5.0/Double-D Mesh?

Double-D Mesh
Double-D Mesh
FL1-D Mesh Coil
904L X1 Mesh Coil
(Compatible with Fireluke 3 Tank)
(Compatible with Fireluke Solo Tank)

Innovative Parallel Mesh Structure
Designed with two single mesh coils connected in parallel,
the parallel mesh structure can boost your instant vaping process
with fast and even heating, stable structure and maximum heating
surface area, bringing you unparalleled clouds and unrivaled flavors.
the parallel mesh structure can boost your instant vaping process
with fast and even heating, stable structure and maximum heating
surface area, bringing you unparalleled clouds and unrivaled flavors.

Innovative Parallel Mesh Structure

Newly Upgraded Tea Fiber Cotton Formula
Freemax Patented Tea Fiber Cotton Formula is known for its antibacterial activity, faster speed to soak up the e-liquid and longer lifespan.
With newly upgraded Tea Fiber Cotton Formula, you can enjoy purer and more refreshing flavors than ever.
With newly upgraded Tea Fiber Cotton Formula, you can enjoy purer and more refreshing flavors than ever.

Military-grade SS904L Mesh
Military-grade SS904L mesh material has an outstanding
performance in heating up and even heat distribution
and is durable to extend the lifespan of a coil.
performance in heating up and even heat distribution
and is durable to extend the lifespan of a coil.

Super Fast Heating
Heat up to your desired temperature in no time
and boost your instant vaping process.
and boost your instant vaping process.
FM COILTECH5.0/Double-D Mesh
Traditional mesh coil

More Stable Structure
Tubular mesh design can offer a more stable structure to support the cotton
and let the mesh fit closely with the cotton.
and let the mesh fit closely with the cotton.
FM COILTECH5.0/Double-D Mesh
Traditional mesh coil

Maximum Heating Surface Area
The real heating area of the parallel mesh structure accounts
for 95% of the total area, which is 25-35% higher than that of the previous mesh structure.
for 95% of the total area, which is 25-35% higher than that of the previous mesh structure.
FM COILTECH5.0/Double-D Mesh
Traditional mesh coil

More Even Heat Distribution
Stable structure and maximum heating surface area contribute to even heat distribution,
bringing you a more consistent vaping experience.
bringing you a more consistent vaping experience.
FM COILTECH5.0/Double-D Mesh
Traditional mesh coil

Unparalleled Clouds and Unrivaled Flavors
FM COILTECH5.0/Double-D Mesh allows a single mesh coil to
achieve the same dense clouds and super flavors at low wattage as double barrel mesh coil.
achieve the same dense clouds and super flavors at low wattage as double barrel mesh coil.
FM COILTECH5.0/Double-D Mesh
Traditional single mesh coil
Traditional double mesh coil
Better Than the Best Sub Ohm Tank!
Military Grade SS904L Mesh and Updated Tea Fiber Cotton Formula
● Fast saturated with Tea Fiber Cotton formula
● More stable and durable with SS904L mesh
● Upgraded excellent flavor performance

Refresh Your Flavors!
Diamond Mesh Structure and Freemax Patented Tea Fiber Cotton Formula.
Diamond Mesh Structure and Freemax Patented Tea Fiber Cotton Formula.
● Fast saturated with 100% natural tea tree products
● Instantly & evenly heated with smoother airflow
● More luxurious vaping experience
World's First Double,
Triple, Quad and Quintuple Mesh Coil Sub Ohm Tank
● Best choice for flavor-chasing
● Larger & denser clouds
● Output wattage level up to 80-110W
World's First Mesh Coil Sub Ohm Tank
The Origin of All the Mesh Coil Sub Ohm Tanks on the Market
The Origin of All the Mesh Coil Sub Ohm Tanks on the Market
● Innovative mesh coil system
● Smoothest flavor
● Equivalent vaping experience as rebuildable coil
Industry-Leading Mesh Coil Technology!

Often lmitated, Never Development
Since Freemax released the World's First Single Mesh Coil
Sub Ohm Tank in 2017, the industry-leading FM COILTECH
has upgraded from FM COILTECH1.0 to FM COILTECH5.0/Double-D Mesh, which is the fifth generation and the ultimate
version of mesh coil technology, born to boost sub ohm vaping
with unrivaled flavors and dense clouds.

Innovative Parallel
Mesh Structure
Mesh Structure
Newly Upgraded Tea
Fiber Cotton Formula
Fiber Cotton Formula
SS904L Mesh
SS904L Mesh
FL1-D Mesh Coil 0.15ohm
Double-D Mesh
Double-D Mesh
The Ultimate Mesh Coil Technology from Freemax!

Double-D Mesh?
Double-D Mesh?

Double-D Mesh
Double-D Mesh
FL1-D Mesh Coil
904L X1 Mesh Coil
(Compatible with
Fireluke Solo Tank)
Fireluke Solo Tank)
(Compatible with
Fireluke 3 Tank)
Fireluke 3 Tank)

Innovative Parallel
Mesh Structure
Mesh Structure
Boost your instant vaping
process with fast and even
heating, stable structure
and maximum heating
surface area, bringing you
unparalleled clouds and
unrivaled flavors.
process with fast and even
heating, stable structure
and maximum heating
surface area, bringing you
unparalleled clouds and
unrivaled flavors.

Newly Upgraded
Tea Fiber Cotton Formula
Tea Fiber Cotton Formula
Freemax Patented Tea Fiber Cotton Formula is known for
its antibacterial activity, faster speed to soak up
the e-liquid and longer lifespan. With newly upgraded
Tea Fiber Cotton Formula, you can enjoy purer
and more refreshing flavors than ever.

Military-grade SS904L Mesh
Military-grade SS904L mesh material has an outstanding
performance in heating up and even heat distribution
and is durable to extend the lifespan of a coil.
Better Than the Best Sub Ohm Tank!
Military Grade SS904L Mesh and Updated
Tea Fiber Cotton Formula
● Fast saturated with Tea Fiber Cotton formula
● More stable and durable with SS904L mesh
● Upgraded excellent flavor performance


Refresh Your Flavors!
Diamond Mesh Structure and Freemax
Patented Tea Fiber Cotton Formula.
● Fast saturated with 100% natural tea tree products
● Instantly & evenly heated with smoother airflow
● More luxurious vaping experience

World's First Double,
Triple, Quad and Quintuple Mesh Coil
Sub Ohm Tank
● Best choice for flavor-chasing
● Larger & denser clouds
● Output wattage level up to 80-110W

World's First Mesh Coil Sub Ohm Tank
The Origin of All the Mesh Coil Sub Ohm Tanks on the Market
● Innovative mesh coil system
● Smoothest flavor
● Equivalent vaping experience as rebuildable coil