Mesh Coil Technology Born for Pods
FM SaltCoilTech
Inspired from Freemax’s world famous Fireluke and M Pro product line, which is highly recognized by the market
worldwide. Just like Freemax led the transition of heating element from wire to mesh material in the sub ohm market,
the transition from wire to mesh on the open pod system becomes a hit again .
FM SaltCoilTech
FM SaltCoilTech 2.0
Maxpod Kit
• 99% Flavor Categories Compatible
• Both Nic Salt & Freebase E-liquids Compatible
• Longer Lifespan of 5-8 Refills
Sweet Flavors ----------------------------- Sour Flavors
Beverage Flavors ------------------------- Nut Flavors
Menthol and Mint Flavors ------------- Candy flavors
Cream and Custard Flavors ----------- Fruit Flavors
Desserts and Breakfast Flavors ------- Vanilla Flavors
Tobacco (NS Mesh Coil 1.5ohm Highly Recommended)
Infinite Flavors, One Pod Is Enough
99% Flavor
Categories Compatible
Categories Compatible
FM SaltCoilTech 2.0
Both Nic Salt & Freebase
E-liquids Compatible
Nic salt Allies Freebase,
Double the Fun
FM SaltCoilTech 2.0
Nic Salt (Best 20-30mg) & Freebase E-liquids (Best 3-12mg)
Focus on Flavor & Vapor
NS Mesh Coil 1.0ohm
Nic Salt (Best 30-50mg) & Freebase E-liquids (Best 12-24mg)
Focus on Nicotine Intake & Throat Hit
Tobacco Flavor Highly Recommended
NS Mesh Coil 1.5ohm
FM SaltCoilTech 2.0
FM SaltCoilTech 2.0 enables strong and stable performance from the first
to the last vape with 200 puffs per fill. The lifespan of each coil is up to 8 refills,
beyond traditional limitations.
Beyond Lifespan Limitations
Longer Lifespan of
5-8 Refills
• 100% Flavor Categories Compatible
• Lifespan Leaps Again
• Both MTL & DTL Compatible
FM SaltCoilTech 3.0
• 100% Flavor Categories Compatible
• Lifespan Leaps Again
• Both MTL & RDL Compatible
FM SaltCoilTech 3.0
Onnix 20W Kit
100% Flavor Categories Compatible
FM SaltCoilTech 3.0
Flavor Categories Compatible
Unlimited Flavor, beyond Your Expectation
The upgraded mesh coil technology transplanted from our mature tank:
Fireluke and M Pro creates more possibilities on flavors. Break the
limitations of flavors on pods.
Lifespan Leaps Again
Even Brilliant as Tanks
FM SaltCoilTech 3.0 utilizes much more durable FeCrAl mesh and brand new imported
seaweed cellucotton, a perfect combination to guarantee longer lifespan than
FM SaltCoilTech 2.0, even brilliant as tanks.
FM SaltCoilTech 3.0
Lifespan Leaps Again
Even Brilliant as Tanks
FM SaltCoilTech 3.0 utilizes Dual Vertical Coil and Tea Fiber Cotton Formula,
a perfect combination to guarantee longer lifespan. OX Mesh Coil 0.5ohm -
up to 8 refills, OX DVC Coil 1.0ohm - up to 5 refills
FM SaltCoilTech 3.0
OX DVC Coil 1.0ohm
OX Mesh Coil 0.5ohm
● Output: 9W, 11W, 13W
● Freebase E-liquid: 3-12mg
and Nic Salt E-liquid: 20-50mg
● Output: 16W, 18W, 20W
● Freebase E-liquid: 0-6mg
FM SaltCoilTech 3.0
Coil Technology Born for Pods
Why FM SaltCoilTech 3.0?
FM SaltCoilTech
NS Mesh Coil - Born for Pods
FM SaltCoilTech
Inspired from Freemax’s world famous Fireluke and M Pro product line, which is highly recognized by the market worldwide. Just like Freemax led the transition of heating element from wire to mesh material in the sub ohm market, the transition from wire to mesh on the open pod system becomes a hit again .
FM SaltCoilTech 2.0
Maxpod Kit
• 99% Flavor Categories Compatible
• Both Nic Salt & Freebase E-liquids Compatible
• Longer Lifespan of 5-8 Refills
Sweet Flavors ----------------------------- Sour Flavors
Beverage Flavors ------------------------- Nut Flavors
Menthol and Mint Flavors ------------- Candy flavors
Cream and Custard Flavors ----------- Fruit Flavors
Desserts and Breakfast Flavors ------- Vanilla Flavors
Tobacco (NS Mesh Coil 1.5ohm Highly Recommended)
Infinite Flavors, One Pod Is Enough
Flavor Categories
Flavor Categories
FM SaltCoilTech 2.0
Nic salt Allies Freebase,
Double the Fun
Both Nic Salt & Freebase
E-liquids Compatible
E-liquids Compatible
FM SaltCoilTech 2.0
FM SaltCoilTech 2.0 enables strong and stable performance from the first to the last vape with 200 puffs per fill. The lifespan of each coil is up to 8 refills, beyond traditional limitations.
Beyond Lifespan Limitations
Longer Lifespan of
5-8 Refills
5-8 Refills
FM SaltCoilTech 2.0
FM SaltCoilTech 3.0
Onnix 20W Kit
• 100% Flavor Categories Compatible
• Lifespan Leaps Again
• Both MTL & RDL Compatible
The upgraded mesh coil technology transplanted
from our mature tank: Fireluke and M Pro creates more
possibilitieson flavors.
Unlimited Flavor, beyond Your Expectation
Flavor Categories
Flavor Categories
FM SaltCoilTech 3.0
FM SaltCoilTech 3.0 utilizes Dual Vertical Coil and Tea Fiber Cotton Formula, a perfect combination to guarantee longer lifespan. OX Mesh Coil 0.5ohm - up to 8 refills, OX DVC Coil 1.0ohm - up to 5 refills.
Even Brilliant as Tanks
Lifespan Leaps Again